Making a profit
while making a difference
BonVenture is the first provider of social venture capital in the German-speaking countries. We invest in enterprises that create social value added. Our funds go beyond sustainability funds that rely on exclusion criteria – we measure and quantify the specific social impact of all supported enterprises. That’s why we call it high-impact investing.
Our goal
We believe in the strength of business solutions to address the challenges of our time. Our high-impact investments aim at a double bottom line: financial gain for companies and investors as well as benefits for society as determined by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Our investments
We finance entrepreneurs with capital from 500,000 euros and support them with our expertise and an extensive network. As the sole EuSEF manager (European Social Entrepreneurship Funds) in Germany, we are committed to the social impact generated by the enterprises we support, without mission drift.
Our impact
We are the fund managers
Our team is constantly on the lookout for social enterprises that contribute to a better tomorrow. In addition to our long-standing experience in the social venture sector, we are investment managers and analysts who can draw on diverse backgrounds, for example, as risk analysts, business economists, theologians or psychologists. A broad perspective means unlimited opportunities.
Become a pro-bono
Do you have entrepreneurial experience? Do you have experience in law, taxes, administration or a related field and would like to support our impact entrepreneurs with your ideas? Contact us!
Support Social Entrepreneurs
Thank you for your interest in supporting our social entrepreneurs. We would be happy to talk to you about the options and possibilities.
Please contact:
Angela Lawaldt
BonVenture Management GmbH
Tel. +49/89/2000 125-30