BonVenture IV:

Entrepreneurship meets impact

Imagine investing in a life-enhancing environment, equal opportunities, education or climate protection. Support entrepreneurs who are solving these challenges. With your investments, you accelerate the growth of such companies and increase their social impact. Building on the experience from over 50 financed companies, the BonVenture team also provides entrepreneurs with strategic and advisory support.

We have just succesfully launched our fourth fund for high-impact investing with a volume of 50 million euros. If you have any questions around future investment opportunities, feel free to contact us or subscribe to our newsletter (German language only).

Join us in writing the next chapter of that story:

This is how high-impact

investments take effect

What might investments look like? Three examples from our previous funds:


Only 20 % of electronic waste is recycled; disabled individuals can find very few available jobs.

People with disabilities professionally recycle decommissioned corporate IT which are re-sold as secondhand hardware in stores and online.

Nearly 200 jobs for severely disabled people; 475,000 IT parts recycled in 2019 (equivalent to 22,900 tons of metals and minerals saved).

Volunteer Vision

People with disabilities professionally recycle decommissioned corporate IT which are re-sold as secondhand hardware in stores and online.

Companies give their employees the opportunity to engage in flexible and efficient 1:1 mentorings with structured e-Learning programs from Volunteer Vision.

Commitment to support the disadvantaged is integrated into everyday working life in an effortless and natural way.


Switching successfully to renewables–with small producers and as decentralized as possible.

Wegatech transforms homeowners from energy consumers into producers with small home power plant systems composed of photovoltaics, electricity storage and heat pumps.

Since 2010, Wegatech‘s customers have saved approximately 6,721,000 kg of CO2. This is equivalent to 537,636 newly planted trees.



Our investment strategy: Financing innovative companies and organizations with committed social entrepreneurs and measurable social, environmental or societal impact. Mainly in German-speaking countries (DACH), to a lesser extent in other EU countries. The thematic focus of our high-impact investments is within the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We also invest together with other investment funds, private investors, business angels, foundations or donors.

This is how a high-impact investment works:

  • As an investor, you provide risk capital to our fund.
  • With these contributions, the fund participates in 15–20 social enterprises through equity, mezzanine or debt capital, thus spreading the risk.
  • The companies are selected by the BonVenture partners in a due diligence process.
  • An experienced investment committee decides on the investments in a structured process.
  • The investor advisory board determines the key performance indicators for measuring impact.

You decide for yourself how actively you want to participate:

Some investors are eager to be actively involved and support the companies beyond their financial role. Others prefer to stay in the background. With us, both is possible. In general, the BonVenture team supports the social enterprises in business development, impact measurement and with its network. As an investor, you receive detailed reports and update talks. In addition, we offer the opportunity – if desired – for personal exchange with the entrepreneurs and for targeted support. In this way, we leverage the synergies of our community and increase our joint impact.


Track Record

BonVenture has been the pioneer of high-impact investing in German-speaking countries since 2003. We are the only German investment company registered as European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) with BaFin (German Financial Services Authority) and thus legally bound to the social impact of our investments. In the last almost 20 years, we have launched three successful social venture capital funds:


double return

High-impact investing is a form of sustainable investing with particularly powerful social reach. This distinguishes our funds from other sustainable funds that merely base their investments on exclusion criteria (e.g. no companies dealing in arms, drugs, brown energy, etc.). We also apply these exclusion criteria, but we are much more concerned with the big picture: All of our portfolio enterprises pursue a positive social impact with their business model. They consciously generate both financial and social gains, which we call their double bottom line. They connect goals of the welfare sector with a for-profit mentality of the corporate sector. Check out where our funds fall on the spectrum of sustainable investments:

In the words

of our


»Impact investing is the only form of investing that makes sense. Impact and profit have to go hand in hand. I have known the BonVenture team for more than 7 years and I have a deep sense of trust in their expertise. To me, BonVenture is one of the most impressive impact funds in Europe.«

Antonis Schwarz

»In the 15 years since its founding, BonVenture has never been better off than it is today. The members of our team are highly competent and very experienced, and they complement each other perfectly.«

Bernard Jan Wendeln

»BonVenture reconciles humanity and business acumen as a professional high-impact investor. Over the 15 years of its existence, the team has supported many socially-focused organizations and achieved so much good for so many. Thanks to BonVenture, I can implement social responsibility into tangible measures.«

Dr. Horst Goss


»The wonderful thing about an investment in the BonVenture fund is that in addition to potential capital gains, you can also support a fantastic social project.«

Prof. Dr. Falk F. Strascheg